Today for my ILE I had to transfer all the photos I had of the fish I have caught since I started. I put them all in separate folders according to the baits I was using when i caught them. These pictures will eventually make it to a slide show.img_0773

3-D Printers

3-D printing is arguably today’s coolest technology trend. You put a 3-D image into the printing and the printer makes the object! It layers on material, almost like building a sand castle, until the object is complete. You can make anything you want with the 3-D printer. You can spend a lot of money on a single 3-D printer but the ones that you can build yourself are much cheaper. Most of the DIY printers that i found were on amazon for a price of $200-$1000. From the reviews that I have read you seem to get what you pay for. The printers on the more expensive end for example the BQ Hephestos 2 ($986) has really good reviews and is very reliable and advanced. On the other end of the spectrum the cheaper printers seem to get the job done but can be unreliable. The reviews say they can sometimes be very fidgety and not always perform at a high level, for example the Q3D OneUp ($200). The DIY printers seem to be the way to go if money is an issue because the pre-built printers can get up to $2000. 3d-printing